Aims & Objectives
- To render all kinds of medical help and medical assistance to the cancer patients.
- Creating nationwide awareness of cancer, its risk factors, preventive measures, encouraging regular check-ups, treatment options and survivorship.
- Providing for early detection of cancer through cancer detection centers and mobile cancer detection camps across India, especially for the underprivileged.
- Providing funds for the treatment of cancer for poor cancer patients across India.
- Providing support during and after treatment to poor cancer patients through accommodation, rehabilitation, and survivor support groups.
- To utilize the existing national and international platforms/forums for cancer care.
- To advocate for the rights of people with cancer so that they live with dignity.
- To establish strong research base on ‘sociological and psychological impact of cancer.
- To collaborate with scientific agencies, research organizations and educational institutions on specific projects related to cancer care.
- To co-operate with other national and/ or foreign institutions and international organizations to further the aims of cancer care India.
- To carry out programmes for other deadly diseases with the consent of general body meetings.
- Knowledge sharing through educational programmes via audio-visuals, literature, booklets.
- Referral to hospitals for treatment and care of cancer patients.
- Helping terminally ill patients to survive with comfort and die in peace and dignity.
- Support to the families of victims of this deadly disease.
- Prioritizing state wide needs for cancer prevention and control, especially within underserved populations and areas.
- Facilitating the development of community-based interventions, resources, and funding in order to address the cancer burden holistically.
- To establish and run a charitable, non-profit, non-commercial cancer hospitals, with state of art facilities for both diagnosis and treatment.